Saturday, February 6, 2010

40 Days in the Wilderness (Part 1)

First Temptation

So, here you are. I must say, I am impressed. No one else could have sustained a fast this long.

But speaking of sustenance, you look famished! How ironic if you went through all this only to die of starvation before the real work began. Really, you ought to eat something, if you plan to live long enough to try to establish your kingdom in the middle of mine.

And if I were you, I’d start by turning stones into bread, or something like that.

It’s not just you who’s hungry, you know. Millions don’t have enough bread, and you and I both know there will be billions more. Undo the curse. If they knew that following you meant they would be well-fed without having to work for it, they would love and serve you always.

Ever watch one of the creatures starve? You claim to love them so much, but you let them grow weak, and bloated, and their bodies devour muscle, brain, everything in the vain attempt to survive, and they eat foul things, even each other – but they die anyway in horrible pain. That doesn’t have to happen ever again. Of course they’ll die anyway in a few short years – WE know that, even if they refuse to think about it. But let them die fat and happy, and they will bless you for it. They aren’t like you, you know. They would much rather be secure and comfortable than holy and hungry. You want to win over these animals? Animals are driven by food.

Look, you’re here to know what it’s like to be one of them, aren’t you? Then give in, as they do, to the cravings of the flesh. How else can you empathize with the glutton, drunk, and lecher who mean to be stronger than their appetites, but can’t? They’ll never see you as anything but the overbearing father who doesn’t know what it’s like to be a child, unless you fall short of perfection as they do.


To be continued...

© John M. Munzer

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