Saturday, January 9, 2010

Strange Bedfellows

(Warning: lots of swearing in this one. If you find swearing offensive, you may wish to skip it. However, it's worth considering this point: What does it really mean to take God's name in vain? Is it about cussing? Or is it about claiming to act in God's name, on God's behalf, when really one is acting on one's own behalf?)

They say politics make strange bedfellows.
Now, I really don’t mean to be crude,
But when religion and politics get into bed
Religion always gets screwed.
“We’re the side God votes for!”
That’s what they want us to believe.
As if they gave a rat’s ass about God!
Yet the voters are deceived.
They say they're the right side in a holy war,
Invoking the Name of God.
So men without morals lead moral crusades,
Which seems to me rather odd.
“Vote liberal, if you care about compassion!”
“Vote conservative, if you love what’s right!”
“Democrat, if you want social action!”
“Republican, for the sake of the Light!”
“God wants you to save the unborn child!”
“God wants you to help the outcast and poor!”
So every politican is a pimp,
Religion becomes his whore.
The pimps line their pockets,
Then next on the dockets:
Whatever new cause will make them rich.
The work of the Church has been left in the lurch
So we can be Machiavelli’s bitch.
Strange bedfellows, they say, but if I may,
I’d like to complain about my bad luck.
The pure truths I love about God above
Have been tied to the bed and fucked.
© John M. Munzer


  1. wow John. sums up what goes on very well. My pet peave is this very issue.Hard to choose which pimp to vote for most of the time. They do abuse god's name by claiming they are on the side of good when they let the underdogs fall thru the cracks don't they?

  2. I was getting ready for some real honest-to-god pimp speak, honesty. But instead, the warning goes unheeded. Ya gotta take some lessons from Em if want to know how to get under people's skin and prick them from the inside. I'm afraid my students know how to swear better than you. Nice poetry though. So how do YOU choose which pimp to vote for? The ones who claim to be for the poor, or the ones who simply mouth the words but don't back their words with consistent action, honesty and humility. Hard to choose, eh? Not for me.

  3. Fearless -
    The warning was primarily intended for my Christian friends and family members, who knew me when I was a sweet, fresh-faced, wholesome kid and might want to retain the illusion that I still am. But hey, my mom, who spent many years teaching me not to swear, was the first to comment, so I guess the warning was unnecessary after all. :)
    I choose the way any of us ends up choosing: Which pimp seems to be the lesser evil at this time? And which one, after fucking us, will at least make an attempt to pay child support?
