Sunday, June 19, 2022

Poem after a prompt


I live inside my own world of make-believe

It's like a second home, the dreams that I can weave

Here I am free, and I can be the person I would like to see

In the mirror when I wake and make it reality.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Harry Potter wizards are the worst humans imaginable

Yes,  ALL of them. Even the supposedly "good" ones.


They have a means of transportation - Portkeys - which could be set up to be used by Muggles. It costs nothing to produce, it's zero-carbon, it's safe, it's instantaneous. Buses, planes, taxis, all could be set up so there's a wizard at a terminal in each major city. And they can produce incredible amounts of energy just by wishing for it. Overnight, they could make strip-mining and fossil fuels obsolete. And while the inbreds who haven't even talked to a muggle for generations could be excused for not knowing why that's important, the Muggle-borns would sure as hell know. BUT... they keep all that to themselves.

They can heal any injury or illness with a touch or a potion. Broken bone? Poof, mended. Tumor? Poof, disappeared. Fucked-up weird-ass disease like dragon pox? Drink this, you'll feel better in the morning. And YET, instead of setting up hospitals for Muggles who can't be cured by conventional medicine, they just let people suffer and die from injuries and diseases that could just be wished away.

They can conjure food from thin air, yet they let people starve.

They can remove traumatic memories with a word, and yet they let people suffer for a lifetime with PTSD.

They can build houses the size of tents just by thinking about it, and yet they let homelessness continue.

They can set up impregnable wildlife reserves for dragons, and yet they let lions and elephants continue down the path to extinction.

They can hypnotize people and compel them to do things, and yet instead of telling dictators to abdicate power and hand it to someone sane they let people suffer under dictatorships. INCLUDING THEIR OWN PEOPLE who live in those countries.

These people have the power to solve every problem society has. They could do so without losing power. They could be hailed as heroes for solving those problems. And yet, they sit back and do nothing, because they would rather keep all the power to themselves. Even though these problems affect them too.

What kind of monsters would do that?

Can you imagine an entire class of people who have the power to make sure the sick get treatment, the hungry get food, the homeless get houses, climate change is halted, oppressors lose their power to oppress, and endangered species are protected, but choose instead to live in an insular world of their own where they can pretend those problems don't affect them?